
杨武金教授赴荷兰参加The History of Logic in China国际会议


1124,我院杨武金教授赴荷兰参加“The History of Logic in China”国际会议,并在会上宣读英文论文“Valid Reasoning in Ancient China from the Perspective of Modern Logic”。








Valid Reasoning in Ancient China

from the Perspective of Modern Logic

Wujin Yang


AbstractLogic concerns reasoning and argument. To reason is to go from known premises to an unknown conclusion. In anacient China reasoning and argument was called shuo (). The  inferring capability of mankind can surmount the bounds of time and space, with the application of “knowing the future from the past and now”. The aim of reasoning and argument is to reveal reasons or causes: “gu (reason or cause) is brought out by shuo” (以说出故). Ancient China logic mainly stressed to explore the arguments by comparing west logic. Reasoning is valid if it is impossible for the premises all to be true and the conclusion false; that is to say, if premises are true, then the conclusion must be true. In ancient China, Moism also presented a standard of how determined whether a reasoning is correct or not. The issue of validity in reasoning was called “xiao ()”. Correct reasoning was called “zhongxiao  (中效) and incorrect reasoning was called “buzhongxiao” (不中效). However, the standard of valid reasoning in ancient China logic not only is aimed to formal deduction, but also is aimed to consider induction and analogism, that is to say, all sound reasoning are attributed to valid reasoning, and then the concept of the valid reasoning becomes more widespread.

Key words: ancient China logic; reasoning; validity; argument; true



[1] Wujin Yang, Professor, School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China, Beijing, 100872. Email: [email protected]