
2009年“中西形上学比较”北京研讨会在排名前10的网上赌博网站 召开
  2009年6月26日下午,“中西形上学比较”北京研讨会在排名前10的网上赌博网站 召开,来自美国、希腊的多位学者与我院的老师们在事先认真阅读彼此论文而充分准备的基础上展开了热烈而富有建设性的学术交锋和切磋讨论。会议由院外事办公室主任温海明老师主持,聂敏里老师做了主题发言,惟善法师多次发表回应。


  排名前10的网上赌博网站 院长郝立新教授主持会议开幕式并发表讲话,他说本次会议是我院配合我校国际化战略的重要步骤之一,今后我们将继续举办一系列以英文为主要工作语言的国际性学术研讨会。

  2009年“当代哲学北京圆桌会议”(Beijing Roundtable on Contemporary Philosophy)的主题是“当代形上学与中国古典形上学思想之比较”(Contemporary Metaphysics and Metaphysical Thoughts in Classical Chinese Philosophy)。该会议的学术组织方是国际中西哲学比较研究学会 (International Society for Comparative Studies of Chinese and Western Philosophy, ISCWP),会议的会议主办方是排名前10的网上赌博网站 、国际中国哲学与比较哲学研究中心(International Center for Chinese and Comparative Philosophy, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China),会议由美国加州圣荷塞州立大学比较哲学中心(Center for Comparative Philosophy, San Jose State University, California, USA)协办。

  来自希腊哲学学会的学者Marianne BENETATOU发言的题目是“Heraclitus and Lao Zi and the Philosophies of Being and Change” 。她比较了赫拉克利特与老子的形上学思想,仔细辨析了老子的道与赫氏的logos之间的区别,进而提出她对中西形上学之区别的理解。

  我院聂敏里 老师发言题目是《古代性和现代性,还是中国与西方? ——对中西哲学比较的一个考察》(Antiquity and Modernity, or China and the West?—An Observation about the Comparison between Chinese Metaphysics and Western Metaphysics)。他认为,长期以来,在中西哲学比较中存在着一个极大的思想误区,这就是,无论是进行这一比较的中国学者还是西方学者都不假思索地将中西哲学所表现出来的种种思想上的差别看成是“中国的”和“西方的”两种截然不同的地方性文化在思想上的差别,而全都没有意识到,这种表面看起来是属于文化的地方性的差别实际上却是古今思想的差别,而在任何一种文化比较中都必然会发现的这样或那样的各种地方性的差别实际上却是次要的。

  美国加州州立大学Northridge 分校的孙卫民的题目是《中国古代的自由概念》(The Conception of Freedom in Ancient China)。他将西方当代哲学中关于自由问题的概念解释资源运用于中国哲学的研究中。他首先讨论了三种自由概念:无限制的、能动的和自由选择的;进而讨论了负与正的自由,负的自由即没有任何外在限制的自由,而正的自由即日常理解的自由;最后,他借用孔子和庄子的自由观来讨论中国哲学中的自由概念与西方当代哲学沟通的可能性。

  清华大学周允程的题目是Zhuang Zi`s Butterfly Dreaming and the First-Person Issue in Metaphysics。他将“庄周梦蝶”作为一个哲学命题加以解析,主要视为一个形上学问题而非一个认识论问题,仔细讨论了蝴蝶与庄周之间的等同、巧合等问题,试图从分析哲学的角度找到这个哲学谜的解决方案,希望对这一古老哲学命题的解析对当代分析哲学能够有所贡献。

  美国加州圣荷塞州立大学比较哲学中心的牟博 的题目是A Daoist Thick-Object Account of the Structure of Objects。他受到道家哲学的影响,提出一套关于对象结构的理论,分析其前理论的直觉的理解。他的理论是一种观察事物的整体观,是对认识对象的一种厚物(thick-object)的建构。

  来自北京大学哲学系的韩林合教授、美国加州圣荷塞州立大学的周克勤JOCHIM, Christian 教授和我院的惟善法师参与了学术讨论。

  会议组织工作得到了参会学者的一致好评。会后,牟博教授代表国际中西哲学比较研究学会(International Society for Comparative Studies of Chinese and Western Philosophy, ISCWP)向我院院长郝立新教授和外事办公室主任温海明老师表示衷心的感谢,希望将来继续与我院开展合作。


  Bo Mou is Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Center for Comparative Philosophy at San Jose State University, USA. After receiving B.S. in mathematics, he obtained graduate degrees in philosophy from Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (M.A.) and from University of Rochester, USA (M.A. and Ph.D.). He has published widely in analytic philosophy, Chinese philosophy and comparative philosophy, concerning philosophy of language, metaphysics, philosophical methodology and ethics. He is contributing editor of Two Roads to Wisdom? –Chinese and Analytic Philosophical Traditions (2001), Davidson’s Philosophy and Chinese Philosophy: Constructive Engagement (2006), Searle’s Philosophy and Chinese Philosophy: Constructive Engagement (2008), and History of Chinese Philosophy (2009). He is author of Chinese Philosophy A-Z (2009) and the monograph Substantive Perspectivism (2009, “Synthese Library” vol.344).

  牟博是美国加州圣荷塞州立大学哲学系教授﹑比较哲学研究中心主任。获得数学理学士学位后﹐他于中国社会科学院研究生院获得哲学硕士学位﹑于美国罗彻斯特大学获得哲学硕士和哲学博士学位。他的研究论著领域是分析哲学﹑中国哲学和比较哲学﹐主要论及语言哲学﹑形而上学﹑哲学方法论和伦理学。他所主编的文集或参考书包括﹕<两条通往智慧之路﹖--论中国哲学和分析哲学传统> (2001)﹑<戴维森哲学与中国哲学﹕交锋与交融> (2006)﹑<塞尔哲学与中国哲学﹕交锋与交融> (2008) 和 <中国哲学史> (2009)﹔他是<中国哲学 A-Z> (2009) 和专著 <实质性角度取向论> (2009﹐分析哲学专著系列<综合图书馆>第344卷) 的作者。

  温海明Haiming Wen got his Ph.D. from University of Hawaii, (UH) Manoa in 2006. Dr. Wen is currently an assistant professor of philosophy and the director for the Office of International Affairs, School of Philosophy, RUC. He is also the director assistant of the International Center for Chinese and Comparative Philosophy, RUC. He has taught philosophy at Peking University, School of Chinese Classics, RUC. He is the editor-in-chief (with Roger Ames) of “International Studies on Chinese Philosophy” series for Peking University Press. When he worked on his dissertation as an East-West Center (EWC) affiliate, he received Wing-tsit Chan Fellowship from UH. He has published a book titled “Confucian Pragmatism as the Art of Contextualizing Personal Experience and World” by Lexington. His work, Wisdom of Chinese Philosophy, has been published in both Chinese and English.

  Marianna Benetatou has studied philosophy at the University Paris IV-Sorbonne (France) where she has also completed her PH.D. degree on Comparative Philosophy. She has also studied History of Art and Scandinavian Literature at the same University. She gives seminars on comparative philosophy in Athens at private Universities and cultural establishments. During the last two years she teaches at the Transcultural Center of Athens. She has participated in different philosophical congresses in Greece and abroad. She has been visiting professor in Stockholm and Tokyo Universities. She is a member of the Greek Philosophical Society and of the Greek China Friendship Association. She has published many articles and two books on philosophy. She is currently visiting professor at Beijing University.

  聂敏里Minli Nie,1971年出生,1999年毕业于中国人民大学哲学系外国哲学专业,获哲学博士学位。1999年在中国人民大学哲学系外国哲学教研室获得教职,从事教学科研工作至今,主要从事古希腊哲学的教学和研究,在前苏格拉底哲学和亚里士多德哲学研究方面有专门造诣,开设有多门研究生专业课程,并长期教授研究生古希腊语。

  孙卫民Weimin Sun在北京大学哲学系取得本科与硕士学位,2003年在 University of Connecticut 取得哲学博士学位,现任教于美国加州州立大学Northridge 分校。His current research interests are primarily focused on Interpretations of Probability, Chinese Philosophy (Chan Buddhism in particular), the history of science (in particular, the history of early Chinese Science), and some particular issues in philosophy of science and philosophy of biology. He is also interested in philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, and early modern philosophy.

  周允程Yuncheng ZHOU is an associate professor at Foreign Languages Department of Tsinghua University. His AOS is in philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, metaphysics and epistemology. His AOC is in formal semantics, pragmatics and generative grammar. His dissertation is: A Philosophical Inquiry into the First-person Belief. At this time, he is working on the first person issue, modal realism, conditional and presupposition. He once worked on epistemic possibilities, identity, anaphor, phi-features of pronouns and speech act theory.

  周克勤博士(Dr. Christian Jochim) is currently Resident Director, CSU International Programs Center , Peking University.  加州州立大学总校国际教育办公室中国留学中心主任,北京大学. In his permanent position, he is Humanities Department Chair and Professor of Comparative Religious Studies and Asian Studies at San Jose State University  加州圣荷塞州立大学人文学系系主任;亚洲研究和比较宗教学教授。He is the author of Chinese Religions: A Cultural Perspective (translated into Chinese as《中国的宗教精神》,王平等译,北京﹕中国华侨出版公司) .  He has published many articles on Chinese religion and philosophy in various journals and compilations.  Currently, he is completing a book on different interpretations of Confucianism in contemporary Taiwan.

  韩林合Linhe Han,北京大学外国哲学教研室 教授,研究领域: 西方哲学(分析哲学,维特根斯坦哲学),老庄哲学;形而上学,心灵哲学,语言哲学。他1982到北京大学哲学系读本科,后读硕士、博士,毕业留校至今成为该系教授。

  惟善Wei Shan,1967年生于江西于都; 1989年出家于广东云门寺;1997年毕业于中国佛学院;随后留学于斯里兰卡凯来尼亚大学近八年,先后获得了文学硕士和哲学博士学位;留学期间曾于斯里兰卡悲悯佛学院讲授基础汉语和基础梵文;2006年始任教于中国人民大学, 讲授佛教梵文、南亚佛教、佛教哲学等课程。 现为中国人民大学讲师,广东云门佛学院副院长,无锡灵山书院导师,斯里兰卡佛教研究会终身会员。研究方向:佛教哲学,部派佛教、南传佛教、梵文和巴利文。代表作:《论说一切有部之定心与散心》(英文);《关于<顺正理论>中的“  鲁波”与“阿鲁波”的梵语区别》;《当代中国佛教留学僧运动——以斯里兰卡国留学僧为例》;《缅斯两国佛教的相互依存和发展》等。