
Frontiers of Philosophy in China


Special Theme: Towards a Hybrid Political Philosophy

YAO Xinzhong / Towards a Hybrid Political Philosophy: Introduction to the Special Theme

ZHANG Liwen / Harmony and Justice

Ralph Weber / Confucian Political Philosophy for Non-Confucians

ZHOU Lian / Can Rawls` Constructivism Avoid the Euthyphro Dilemma? In Reply to Shafer-Landau

XU Keqian / The Priority of "Liberty" or "Ping An": Two Different Cultural Value Priorities and Their Impacts

ZANG Fengyu / How to Construct Marx`s Thoughts as a Political Philosophy?

Olasumkanmi Aborisade / Liberal and Communitarian Discourse: An African Perspective

Research Articles

LAN Fei / Humanity and Paternal Eros: The Father-Son Relationship in Comparative Perspective

LIU Chuang / Invariance and Scientific Representation

SU Ching Hui / Counterfactuals and Context-Sensitivity

Book Reviews

Scott E. Campbell and Paul W. Bruno (eds.), The Science, Politics, and Ontology of Life-Philosophy (reviewed by Amnon Marom)

Jon D. Carlson and Russell Arben Fox (eds.), The State od Nature in Comparative Political Thought: Western and Non-Western Perspectives (reviewed by Bassam Romaya)

Edward Slingerland, Trying Not to Try: The Ancient Chinese Art and Modern Science of Spontaneity(reviewed by Frankin Pekins)

LIU Xiaogan (eds.),Dao Companion to Daoist Philosophy (in Chinese)(reviewed by YUAN Ai)