
郝立新教授在《国际决策伦理学杂志》发表论文Globalization and

Hao Lixin

(Dean the School of Philosophy ,

Renmin University of China )


Globalization is a process of contradictions and value conflicts. Developing countries are faced with various challenges in this process. Economic globalization is essentially global-wide expansion of capitalist economy. The inherent contradictions of economic globalization are double-leveled, and they can be divided into original and derivative contradictions. The inherent contradiction of capitalist economy determines its two different aspects and its corresponding effects upon world history, as well as the conflicts between economic values, political values and cultural values during the process of economic globalization. Being exposed to this process, China needs to make wise choices.


Globalization and Its Challenge: China’s Choice of Its Development Path ( International Journal of Decision Ethics, Volume VI.2, Spring 2010 ,Global Scholarly Publications, New York )(作者:郝立新《全球化及其挑战:中国发展道路的选择》,《国际决策伦理学杂志》,2010年春季号)