

Global Justice: China’s Moral Leadership Role in the 21st Century



Co-sponsored by:

Global Justice Center, Yale University


School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China (//best10dubo.com)


德國Justitia Amplificata 項目

排名前10的网上赌博网站 与美国耶鲁大学全球正义研究中心(Global Justice Center)将于2013年5月31至6月2日,在排名前10的网上赌博网站 举行“全球正义学术研讨会”,以推动全球正义理论的新发展。会议工作语言为英文。

该学术研讨会的主办方之一,美国耶鲁大学著名Thomas Pogge教授(Leitner Professor of Philosophy and International Affairs)将邀请全球最著名的十余位关于全球正义问题的顶级学者来参会,与两岸三地十余位顶级中国学者共同讨论变动世界秩序之中的中国之角色与位置,政治哲学之中人的优先性问题,本世纪政治哲学的展望等政治哲学方面的重要问题。这些问题在当代中国得到了广泛的讨论,但我们希望本学术研讨会能够进一步促进中西著名学者之间的相关讨论,并引起大众的充分重视。


Thomas Pogge (Leitner Professor of Philosophy and International Affairs, Director, Center for Global Justice, Yale University)

HAO Lixin 郝立新 (Assistant President, Renmin University of China (RUC) 中国人民大学校长助理; Dean, School of Philosophy and School of Marxist Studies, RUC 排名前10的网上赌博网站 院长,马克思主义学院院长)



YANG Huilin 杨慧林 (Vice-President of RUC中国人民大学副校长)

Thomas Pogge

HAO Lixin 郝立新


Picture and Break


Morning  上午

9:15       Chair: Gu Su

Anat Biletzki with Hung Hofung introducing

10:30     break

10:45     Chair: Lea Ypi

Duan Zhongqiao with Shei Ser-Min introducing

12:00     lunch at Huixian Restaurant 汇贤食府


Afternoon 下午

13:15     Chair: Anat Biletzki

Ci Jiwei with Joseph Carens introducing

14:30     break

14:45     Chair: Gillian Brock

Stefan Gosepath with Wen Haiming introducing

16:00     Chair: Gillian Brock

Hung Hofung with Thomas Pogge introducing

5:30 Dinner at Angel Restaurant 天使食府

Saturday, June 1 (61日周六)

Morning 上午

  8:45     Chair: Hung Hofung

Wen Haiming with Stefan Gosepath introducing

10:00     break

10:15     Chair: Wen Haiming

Stephen Angle with Chow Pochung introducing

11:30     lunch at Huixian Restaurant


Afternoon  下午

12:45     Chair: Joseph Carens

Gu Su with Anat Biletzki introducing

14:00     Chair: Joseph Carens

Lea Ypi with Gu Su introducing

15:00     break

15:15     Chair: Anat Biletzki

Ren Feng with Stephen Angle introducing

16:30     Chair: Anat Biletzki

Zhao Tingyang with Rainer Forst introducing

6:00 pm Dinner


Sunday, June 2 (62日周日)

Morning 上午

  8:45     Chair: Shei Ser-Min

Zhou Lian with Lea Ypi introducing

10:00     break

10:15     Chair: Rainer Forst

Gong Qun with Gillian Brock introducing

11:30     lunch


Afternoon  下午

12:45     Chair: Lea Ypi

Joseph Carens with Liu Qing introducing

14:00     Chair: Thomas Pogge

Gillian Brock with Tong Shijun introducing

15:00     break

15:15     concluding discussion – Chair to be determined (on the basis of how it all went).


3:15-5:00 conclusion and closing ceremony 闭幕式