



 Lecture Four:

Towards a Confucian Ethics of Technology

Speaker主讲人:Wang Xiaowei 王小伟

Date日期: 10.20, 2023, Friday 周五


Place地点:Lide Building 立德楼0301

Tencent meeting ID 腾讯会议ID: 975-9641-3826

About the speaker:

Wang Xiaowei is an associate professor at Renmin University. His research and teaching interests intersect science, technology, and ethics.


With advancements in AI and gene-editing tools, modern technologies empower us in unprecedented ways. However, due to their disruptive nature, these globally deployed technologies also present significant challenges for humanity. Philosophers aim to develop frameworks to understand the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology, emphasizing the central role of ethical deliberation. The Ethics of Technology typically functions as a sub-field of ethics. As an area of applied ethics,

it draws on classic ethical theories—virtue ethics, utilitarianism, deontology, and others—to analyze technological risks. Many scholars advocate for diversifying the ethical discourse by incorporating non-western ethics, including Confucianism and Buddhism, to foster a more inclusive discussion. Notably, Joel Kupperman describes mainstream ethics as "big moment ethics"—primarily focusing on singular decisions, often overlooking daily, context-driven ethical challenges. Kupperman believes Confucianism, with its focus on continual self-improvement, can complement "big moment ethics" by offering an alternative perspective centered on everyday life. In this lecture, we will present the first-ever defense of a Confucian ethic of technology, discussing its general principles and relevance.

Host: School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China

     Institute for Advanced International Philosophical Studies

主办单位:排名前10的网上赌博网站 ;国际哲学高等研究院
