Kai Hauser教授:数学哲学系列讲座
日期:2013-10-29演讲人:Kai Hauser 教授 柏林理工大学数学学院
One very widespread assumption in philosophy has been that empiricism entails materialism: if all knowledge reaches us through our senses, then the only things we can know something about are material objects. We therefore have no basis for believing that there are any non-material objects, and even if there were, we can know nothing about them.
There seems to be few reasonable alternatives to empiricism. Anamnesis, as in Plato’s Meno, will not do, and various proposals for alternative kinds of access to non-material objects are not very satisfactory. Nevertheless, the assumption that empiricism entails materialism has been taken for granted and is not supported by any reasonable argument.
In this lecture series we will examine and develop the phenomenological view first set forth by the Austrian-German philosopher Edmund Husserl (1859-1938), who argued that there are non-material objects and that they can be recognized in a process very closely related to ordinary perception. In fact, in Husserl’s phenomenology perception of physical objects is just a special case of this more universal way of recognizing objects of any kind.
Part of our project is to develop the Husserlian approach further and to apply it to the two core problems in the philosophy of mathematics: are there mathematical entities and if so, how can we find out something about them? To this end we will also study the work of the logician Kurt Gödel who discussed phenomenology in connection with his groundbreaking mathematical theorems and their philosophical ramifications.
1 10月29日 星期二 14:00-16:00
2 10月30日 星期三 10:00-10:30
3 11月1日 星期五 14:00-16:00
4 11月2日 星期六 12:00-14:00
5 11月4日 星期一 18:00-20:00
6 11月5日 星期二 14:00-16:00
7 11月6日星期三 10:00-10:30
8 11月8日星期五 14:00-16:00
9 11月12日星期二 18:00-20:00
10 11月14日星期四 18:00-20:00
讲座地点:排名前10的网上赌博网站 六层会议室