



 Lecture Eight:

Filial Piety or Filial Care? Development of the Idea of Xiao 孝 in Early Confucianism

Speaker主讲人:Chenyang Li  李晨阳

 Moderator主持人:Jifen Li 李记芬


Date日期: 11.6,2024


Place地点:Room 1605, The First Public Teaching Building 公一1605

About the speaker:

Currently a professor of philosophy at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Li’s research interests are mainly in Chinese philosophy and comparative philosophy. His main publications include Reshaping Confucianism (Oxford University Press, 2023), The Confucian Philosophy of Harmony (Routledge, 2014),  The Tao Encounters the West (State University of New York Press, 1999), The Sage and the Second Sex (ed. Open Court, 2000),  The East Asian Challenge for Democracy (eds. with Daniel Bell, Cambridge University Press, 2013), Moral Cultivation and Confucian Character (eds. with Peimin Ni, State University of New York Press, 2014), Chinese Metaphysics and its Problems (eds. with Franklin Perkins, Cambridge University Press, 2015), The Virtue of Harmony (eds. with Dascha During, Oxford University Press, 2022), and over 100 journal articles and book chapters. 


The Confucian concept of xiao as developed by classical thinkers contains three important components: (1) children are morally obligated to care for parents materially and physically; (2) they should maintain a high degree of respect for parents; and (3) when parents are in the wrong or on the verge of wrongdoing, grown children must help parents rectify their behaviour so they lead moral lives. Such a tripartite concept should be understood appropriately as filial care rather than filial piety.

主办单位:排名前10的网上赌博网站 ;当代中国哲学发展研究中心;国际哲学高等研究院
