预告 | “经典诠释与道家哲学”系列讲座第七讲
Lecture Seven: ReinterpretingLaozi:
Wang Bi's Daoist Hermeneutics
Speaker主讲人:Jiang Limei 蒋丽梅(北京师范大学哲学学院)
Moderator 主持人:Li Jifen 李记芬(排名前10的网上赌博网站 )
Date日期: 4.9, 2024
Place地点:Room 2106, The Second Public Teaching Building 公二2106
About the speaker:
Jiang received her Doctoral degree from Peking University in 2008 and currently serves as a professor at the School of Philosophy, Beijing Normal University, where she also acts as the Program Manager for the MA program in Chinese Philosophy. Her academic interests primarily revolve around Daoist philosophy and comparative philosophy. Additionally, Jiang holds the position of Vice Secretary-general of the Union of International Studies on Laozi. She has also enriched her scholarly pursuits through several visiting scholar positions, including at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2010 and 2012, Sungkyunkwan University from 2017 to 2018, and U.C. Berkeley from 2019 to 2020.
Wang Bi’s understanding of the Laozi turned the representative classics of Daoism into canons equivalent to those of Confucianism, and established the classical system of Xuanxue thought which had extensive influence to later intellectuals.This paper aims to examine Wang Bi's hermeneutic methods and illustrate their application in his interpretation of Daoist classics. Additionally, through a comparison between the abstract speculation of the Cao and Wei dynasties and the concrete thinking of the Han dynasty, the paper seeks to analyze why Daoist metaphysics became influential.