





主讲:Prof. Shinji HAMAUZU



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Prof. Shinji HAMAUZU浜涡辰二 教授是日本大阪大学文学院临床哲学教授。他是胡塞尔 《笛卡尔式的沉思》的日语翻译者(2001),同时也是胡塞尔《主体间性的现象》的日语三卷本(201220132015)的译者。浜涡辰二教授的研究以胡塞尔主体间现象学为出发点,将其扩展到更广泛的现象学和哲学人类学领域,以便更进一步地理解现代社会中的实际问题。自2002年以来,在与其他领域的学者以及临床工作者合作的基础上,他在学术和实践的交叉领域深化“关怀”的主体间性研究。 2005年,他出版了专著《关怀人类学简介》。在今年4月,他与北欧的现象学学者举办了 “脆弱性和有限性的现象学”的合作研究。

Shinji HAMAUZU(浜渦 辰二) is a professor of clinical philosophy in the Graduate School of Letters at Osaka University, Japan. The starting point of his research was Husserl`s phenomenology of intersubjectivity. He studied this subject for two years (1984-1986) in Germany. In 1995 he published his dissertation titled "Husserl`s phenomenology of intersubjectivity". He also published the Japanese translation of Husserl`s "Cartesian Meditations" in 2001 and three volumes of Husserl`s "Phenomenology of Intersubjectivity" in 2012, 2013 and 2015.In parallel with this research on intersubjectivity, he extended the area of his research to explore the related phenomenologists and philosophical anthropologists, moreover to understand the practical problems in our modern society. Since 2002, he has been engaged in research on `caring` in a broader sense as a field of intersubjectivity and began a collaborative research on caring not only with scholars from other fields but also with practical workers. In 2005 he published an edited book

"Introduction to Anthropology of Caring". He has organized a collaborative research on caring in Nordic countries with Japanese scholars from other fields for 6 years. From such backgrounds, he has started organizing a collaborative research on "phenomenology of vulnerability and limits" with Nordic phenomenologists in this April. He currently leads the international networking team within the international affairs office.