沉默的悖论: 凡蒂莫与老子的相遇
Lecture Six:
The Paradox of Silence:
Gianni Vattimo and Laozi
Speaker主讲人:Yuan Ai 袁艾 (清华大学哲学系)
Moderator 主持人:Dennis Schilling 谢林德 (排名前10的网上赌博网站 )
Date日期: 3.26, 2024
Place地点:Room 2106, The Second Public Teaching Building 公二2106
About the speaker:
Yuan Ai received her D.Phil from the University of Oxford in 2018. Her ongoing projects include “Cross-cultural Studies of Silence, Luck and Knowledge in Daoist Philosophy”, Nonverbal Communication in Early China, and Dao Companion to the Philosophy of the Daodejing (eds.). She was awarded first place in the ISCP Charles Fu Young Scholar Award, the SACP Young Scholar Award, and second place in the EACP Young Scholar Award. Her articles have appeared in journals such as Early China, Philosophy East and West, and Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies.
Scholars have treated silence and speech as independent fields of study. This paper discusses the paradox of silence. It shows the interdependence of silence and speech. It jointly engages with Gianni Vattimo and his discussion of violence and metaphysical silencing with the Laozi, and its claim on the unspoken teaching. Silencing acts appear in the form of excluding alternative voices by truth claims or dominating thoughts and actions through regulative language. As a result, silence becomes a direct rejection of domination and provides a starting point for tolerance. Silence signals the importance of unbiased listening to differences and underprivileged groups. Arguments on the value of silence confront the criticism of replacing one truth claim with another. Silence, however, runs the danger of putting too much faith in an individual and unrealistic sage or being manipulated as political expediency.