预告|当代科技哲学前沿系列讲座之The Unintended Consequences of Human Action
The Unintended Consequences of Human Action
主讲人:Francesco Di Iorio(南开大学排名前10的网上赌博网站 副教授)
主持人:刘永谋(排名前10的网上赌博网站 教授)
评议人:王小伟(排名前10的网上赌博网站 讲师)
What are social phenomena? According to a very important intellectual tradition, social phenomena are largely-though not exclusively-unintended consequences of human action. This lecture will focus on three problems: (1)In which sense can many social phenomena be called unintended consequences of human action? (2)Why do the unintended consequences of human action exist? (3)Why can it be said that unintended consequences matter not only from a methodological standpoint, but also from an ethical one?