




Contemporary Interpretations of Mengzi on Human NatureChina and the West


演讲人:Dr. David Elstein 杜楷廷

                    Associate Professor of Philosophy,

                    SUNY-New Paltz

主持人: Dr. Jifen Li李记芬

              排名前10的网上赌博网站 讲师


As everyone who’s taken a course on Chinese philosophy probably knows, Mengzi (Mencius) claimed human nature is good. However, what that means and how we know that it’s true are not very clear from the text of the Mengzi, giving rise to numerous different interpretations over the course of Chinese philosophical history. In this talk, I compare modern interpretations of Mengzi, both in China and in the US. I highlight the differences in philosophical methodology—the a priori method of the 20th century New Confucians and the empirical and naturalistic approach of modern American scholars—and illustrate how their interpretations reflect their epistemological presumptions. Furthermore, I argue that both have weaknesses: the a priori method has a hard time avoiding subjective bias and demonstrating universality, while the empirical approach has a deficit when it comes to motivating action. Since improved moral practice is the primary goal of Confucian philosophy, the empirical approach does not fully do justice to Mengzi.




David Elstein is associate professor of philosophy at the State University of New York at New Paltz. Though his initial training and research was in pre-Qin thought, for the last few years he has focused on contemporary Chinese philosophy, particularly New Confucianism. In addition to articles in Contemporary Political Theory, Dao, and Philosophy East and West, he is the author of Democracy in Contemporary Confucian Philosophy (Routledge, 2014).


时间:510日(May 10)周二 1500-1700
