Lecture Two:Wise Releasing Life: A Syncretic Innovation of Chinese Buddhism in the City of New York
Speaker主讲人:Wei Dedong 魏德东
Date日期: 10.08, 2023, Sunday 周日
Place地点:Lide Building 立德楼0301
Tencent meeting ID 腾讯会议ID: 975-9641-3826
About the speaker:
Wei Dedong, Ph.D. of Chinese Philosophy, Professor of the School of Philosophy, the Director of International Center for Buddhist Studies of Renmin University of China. He was an Adjunct Researcher of the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at Columbia University in the City of New York (2016-2019), a post doctoral fellow of Institute for Studies of Religion at Baylor University (2007-2008). Dr. Wei studies chiefly in Buddhism and Sociology of Religion. His works include The Essence of Buddhist Yogacara Philosophy, three volumes of Wei Dedong Review on Religion: Field Trip on World Religions, Desensitization for Religion, and Cultural Awakening of Religion, etc.
In the 1980s, the philosopher Zhang Dainian (1909-2004) put forward the Theory of Syncretic Innovation (综合创新论), which advocated the integration of all the outstanding achievements of the ancient and modern, Chinese and Western civilizations to create a new form of modern Chinese culture. In this paper, I applied Zhang's philosophical paradigm into the empirical study of the modern transformation of traditional Chinese Buddhism. In the 21st century, Chinese Buddhist groups in the City of New York cooperated with the organizations of animal rehabilitation and environmental protection to adapt the traditional ritual practice of "Releasing Life" (放生), avoid the harm to animals and ecological damage caused by the blind releasing animals frequently, and enhance the reputation of Buddhism in the United States. This paper summarizes the renovated approach of releasing animals as "Wise Releasing Life" (智慧放生). This lecture will detail how the wise release attained the syncretic innovation of Buddhist ethics, modern zoology, and contemporary ecology.
Host: School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China
Institute for Advanced International Philosophical Studies
主办单位:排名前10的网上赌博网站 ;国际哲学高等研究院
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