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Lecture Nine:

Decolonizing Chinese Feminist Philosophy

Speaker主讲人:Ann A. Pang-White 庞安安

Moderator主持人:Jifen Li 李记芬


Date日期: 11.13,2024


Place地点:Room 0304, LiDe Building 立德楼0304

About the speaker:

Ann A. Pang-White, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy and Director of Asian Studies at The University of Scranton, Pennsylvania, and the Executive Director of the International Society for Chinese Philosophy. Her research interests include Chinese philosophy, medieval philosophy, comparative ethics, philosophy of women, and social-political philosophy. A member of several editorial boards of academic presses and journals, Dr. Pang-White has authored 50 journal articles, book chapters, and book reviews and published three books: the  Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Chinese Philosophy and Gender by Bloomsbury (2016),  The Confucian Four Books for Women by Oxford University Press  (2018), and  Readings in Chinese Women’s Philosophical and Feminist Thought: From the Late 13th to Early 21st Century with Bloomsbury  by Bloomsbury (2022/23). She also served as an invited guest editor for top academic journals, including the  Journal of Chinese Philosophy , “Philosophy, Women, and Gender in the New Millennium” (volume 49, nos. 1-3, 2022) and  NTU Philosophical Quarterly , “Self and Other” (issue no. 64, March 2023). For more information about her, visit her personal academic website at //scranton.academia.edu/AnnPangWhite Or the University of Scranton website: //www.scranton.edu/academics/cas/philosophy/faculty/Ann-Pang-White.shtml 


This talk will begin with an introduction of feminist philosophy and movement in the West, followed by a critique of Eurocentric feminist framework and its neo-colonial cultural dominance over non-Western traditions. The talk will then dive into a discussion of the feminist potential of Chinese philosophy and the potential of Chinese feminism’s contributions in charting a new course of transnational feminist philosophy and a non-Eurocentric conception of philosophy. To illustrate how this might be done, examples from my  Confucian Four Books for Women  (Oxford 2018), “Reappraising Ban Zhao” (Cambridge 2023), and  Readings of Chinese Women’s Philosophical and Feminist Writings from 13th century to 21st century  (Bloomsbury 2022/23) will be deployed and analyzed as case studies. 

主办单位:排名前10的网上赌博网站 ;当代中国哲学发展研究中心;国际哲学高等研究院

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